Purcell School suits our requirements extremely well. It is one of the the country’s leading specialist music schools, and so has all the music facilities we need: and it is relatively small, with everything close to hand, which makes it a friendly and welcoming place to be. The newly built boarding accommodation is outstanding.
As Purcell is a senior school, the bedrooms are for between one and four children: so no huge dorms in which older children won't want to be and in which younger children are less likely to get a good night's sleep! But because it is a relatively small senior school, we have it to ourselves rather than sharing the premises with several other courses, as usually happens at larger schools.
The school is in a great location, easily accessible from London for day pupils and minutes from the national motorway network. It is north-west of London, minutes inside the M25 and just off the M1.
The playing fields at Purcell are ideal for our sports activities (and for break times): we also hire the sports hall of the specialist sports school next door in case the weather is less than kind to us.
For further information about The Purcell School, please visit its website here.