Your instrument! And a piece of music you have prepared, to play in the competition.
Lunch is provided for all participants, and breakfast and supper are also provided for those staying on a residential basis. Just let us know if there are any special dietary requirements (vegetarian, dairy free, any allergies etc) and we will cater for these. Juice and a snack are provided at breaktimes.
Bring a bit of money for the afternoon tuck shop! Water is available at all times, but bring a water bottle for the sports sessions, along with trainers and a suitable change of clothes.
Music stands, pencils and all ensemble music are provided, as is a t-shirt to wear at the end of course concert.
For those staying on a residential basis, a suggested packing list will be provided.
Please do not bring expensive jewellery or electronic equipment to our courses – we cannot be responsible for any loss or damage. Mobile phones may be brought, but access to them will not be allowed during the day and under no circumstances may they be used to access the internet during the course.